Art Direction, App Design, Branding 
Orata is an app designed to enhance the joy of discovering new books. My goal was to create an enjoyable book-searching experience by drawing inspiration from various literary preferences.

The name “Orata” combines the Latin words “Oratio” (speech) and “Aura” (mood), symbolizing my vision of providing personalized reading journeys. To bring vitality to the app, I chose vibrant colors and inviting images of cozy reading spots, evoking the immersive feeling of getting lost in a good book.

Every aspect of Orata’s design is influenced by the world of literature, from fonts reminiscent of book pages to lively colors reflecting the emotional depth of stories. The result is an app that celebrates the magic of reading and fosters a deep connection between readers and the cherished words they discover.


[EMAIL] alexandra.dubuc7@gmail.com
[BE] https://www.behance.net/alexandradubuc

[WHAT] Graphic Design, Art Direction
[WHERE] Australia


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